⇡ Singkong Linux

Singkong Linux 1.0 (1 CD)

5,000 Rp.2,500

Distro ringan buatan dalam negeri sendiri :)

Singkong Linux is simple and traditional Linux distribution, based on Slackware. Singkong means cassava in English.I like cassava. Simple and delicious.

Some features of Singkong Linux 1.0 * Use Lightweight but modern desktop environment (Xfce) * Comes with many applications: o Office: Abiword (Word processor), Gnumeric (Spreadsheet) and orage (Calendar) o Multimedia: MPlayer (support many codecs:), ffmpeg, many libraries. o Graphics: GIMP image editor and GQview o Tons of development tools including compilers/interpreters, libraries, toolkits, bindings, IDEs and kernel source. Examples are Ultimate++, Glade3, Qt, PHP (plus PHP-GTK+, postgresql,mysql,sqlite support), Python (and PyGtk, PyQt), Lua, wxWidgets, and many more. o Network tools: Opera web browser, Sylpheed email client, gFTP, pidgin instant messenger, Xchat IRC and more. Also comes with Samba and Apache httpd. o Various tools like Thunar file manager, Xfburn CD/DVD burner, xCHM CHM viewer, Xpdf PDF viewer, GNU Privacy Assistant, Xarchiver archive manager, Mousepad text editor and many more. o Database: PostgreSQL, MySQL, Sqlite 2.x/3.x. Strange for desktop users, but developers might need them :) o Wine for running Windows applications. o Game: XMAME and BSD games. * Some printers and scanners support. Also supports many hardwares. * HAL support * All comes in one 700 MB CDROM :)

Don't expect too much from Singkong Linux * There is no fancy thing like desktop effect * No such graphical-and-easy-to-use control panel * Lack of popular application: o OpenOffice.org (in extra) o No Mozilla Firefox, no Mozilla Thunderbird o No GNOME desktop, no KDE. * There are bugs, should be. Please let me know :) * Singkong Linux is traditional distribution. If it go too fancy, it might be bug :p

Cara Beli ⇢
Lokasi Toko Kami ⇢
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