⇡ Solaris

Sun Solaris 10 11/06 for SPARC (1 DVD)


Bosan dengan windows, linux, bsd, atau macintosh? cobain dong solaris! keren.. :D.
DVD versi ini khusus untuk mesin SPARC
Untuk versi komputer x86/x64 silahkan lihat disini
Versi CDROM lihat disini

Sun offers an alternative to Windows with the Solaris Enterprise System, a unified platform of Solaris 10, Java Enterprise System, developer tools and N1 management software. Solaris 10 -- the most advanced UNIX operating system ever -- is here. Whether you're a business manager, an IT consultant or an application developer, Solaris 10 lets you do things like scale on the fly to accommodate surging workloads, consolidate multiple platforms into one easy-to-maintain system and automatically identify component failures before they happen.
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Jual Sun Solaris 10 11/06 for SPARC (1 DVD) ★★★★★ beli di Toko Baliwae Linux, Shop Baliwae Linux di Denpasar Bali