⇡ Vector

VectorLinux 5.8 SOHO (1 cd)


Robert Lange has announced the final release of VectorLinux 5.8, SOHO edition: "The long awaited VectorLinux SOHO 5.8 is ready for the taking. It includes a custom SMP kernel, compiled with bootsplash, Squashfs, LZMA, and realtime patches. It supports reading and writing to NTFS-formatted media via Fuse and ntfs-3g. The desktop environment is KDE 3.5.6 with KMyFirewall, Amarok 1.4.5, and OpenOffice.org 2.2. Multimedia applications, such as VLC 0.8.6a, MPlayer 1.0rc1, K3b 1.0.1 and graphics editors, such as GIMP 2.2.14 and Xara Xtreme 0.7 are also included. Printing is supported by CUPS with hpijs drivers for HP printers, and Gutenprint drivers for many other popular printers. There is a whole new look and feel, from the boot menu to the desktop.

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