K12LTSP Linux 4.2.1 (5 cd)

25,000 Rp.22,000

K12LTSP is based on RedHat Fedora Linux and the LTSP terminal server packages. It's easy to install and configure. It's distributed under the GNU General Public License . That means it's free and it's based on Open Source software. Once installed K12LTSP lets you boot diskless workstations from an applications server. You can use old PC's as diskless clients or buy new ones for under $200 each. All applications run on the terminal server. Workstations are "thin." They have no software or hard drives. Thin-clients are perfect for schools because they are easy to install and require little maintenance. They are reliable and immune to malicious tampering and viruses.

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Jual K12LTSP Linux 4.2.1 (5 cd) ★★★★★ beli di Toko Baliwae Linux, Shop Baliwae Linux di Denpasar Bali