⇡ Proxmox

Proxmox 2.0 "Virtual Environment" (1 CD)


Martin Maurer has announced the final release of Proxmox 2.0 "Virtual Environment" edition, a specialist Debian-based distribution designed for running virtual appliances and virtual machines: "We just released Proxmox VE 2.0. Features: complete new GUI based on Ext JS 4 JavaScript framework; fast search-driven interface capable of handling hundreds and probably thousands of VMs; secure VNC console supporting external VNC viewer with SSL support; role based user and permission management for all objects (VMs, storages, nodes, etc.); support for multiple authentication sources (MS ADS, LDAP, Linux PAM, Proxmox VE authentication); High Availability Cluster support for KVM guests and OpenVZ containers; based on Debian 6.0 'Squeeze' with long-term support 2.6.32 Linux kernel (based on RHEL 6.x) with KVM and OpenVZ as default....

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Lokasi Toko Kami ⇢
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