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Katana adalah aplikasi portable multiboot, dapat diinstall ke flashdisk. Untuk menggunakannya Anda cukup mengcopy seluruh isi yang ada di dvd dual layer ini kedalam flash disk anda. Selanjutnya anda tinggal booting untuk menjalankan beragam distro security populer, seperti - Backtrack - the Ultimate Boot CD - CAINE - Ultimate Boot CD for Windows - Ophcrack Live - Puppy Linux - Trinity Rescue Kit - Clonezilla - Derik's Boot and Nuke - Kon-Boot. . Selain itu juga disediakan ratusan aplikasi security portable yg bisa dijalankan langsung dari flashdisk/dvd. termasuk aplikasi untuk meremove tuntas spyware di komputer anda. Katana is a portable multi-boot security suite which brings together many of today's best security distributions and portable applications to run off a single Flash Drive. It includes distributions which focus on Pen-Testing, Auditing, Forensics, System Recovery, Network Analysis, and Malware Removal. Katana also comes with over 100 portable Windows applications; such as Wireshark, Metasploit, NMAP, Cain & Abel, and many more.
Anti-Virus - Backup - Encryption - File System - Forensics Media - Networking - Office - Password Recovery Pen-Testing - Registry - System - Utilities