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Tools sama yang dipakai di filmnya thebroken.org. screenshotnya silahkan lihat di sini: http://www.knoppix-std.org/screenshots.html
daftar hacking toolsnya ada disini: http://www.knoppix-std.org/tools.html
Tools are grouped as follows: authentication /usr/bin/auth/ * freeradius 0.9.3 : GPL RADIUS server encryption /usr/bin/crypto/ * 2c2 : multiple plaintext -> one ciphertext * 4c : as with 2c2 (think plausible deniability) * acfe : traditional cryptanalysis (like Vigenere) * cryptcat : netcat + encryption * gifshuffle : stego tool for gif images * gpg 1.2.3 : GNU Privacy Guard * ike-scan : VPN fingerprinting * mp3stego : stego tool for mp3 * openssl 0.9.7c * outguess : stego tool * stegbreak : brute-force stego'ed JPG * stegdetect : discover stego'ed JPG * sslwrap : SSL wrapper * stunnel : SSL wrapper * super-freeSWAN 1.99.8 : kernel IPSEC support * texto : make gpg ascii-armour look like weird English * xor-analyze : another "intro to crytanalysis" tool forensics /usr/bin/forensics/ * sleuthkit 1.66 : extensions to The Coroner's Toolkit forensic toolbox. * autopsy 1.75 : Web front-end to TASK. Evidence Locker defaults to /mnt/evidence * biew : binary viewer * bsed : binary stream editor * consh : logged shell (from F.I.R.E.) * coreography : analyze core files * dcfldd : US DoD Computer Forensics Lab version of dd * fenris : code debugging, tracing, decompiling, reverse engineering tool * fatback : Undelete FAT files * foremost : recover specific file types from disk images (like all JPG files) * ftimes : system baseline tool (be proactive) * galleta : recover Internet Explorer cookies * hashdig : dig through hash databases * hdb : java decompiler * mac-robber : TCT's graverobber written in C * md5deep : run md5 against multiple files/directories * memfetch : force a memory dump * pasco : browse IE index.dat * photorec : grab files from digital cameras * readdbx : convert Outlook Express .dbx files to mbox format * readoe : convert entire Outlook Express .directory to mbox format * rifiuti : browse Windows Recycle Bin INFO2 files * secure_delete : securely delete files, swap, memory.... * testdisk : test and recover lost partitions * wipe : wipe a partition securely. good for prep'ing a partition for dd * and other typical system tools used for forensics (dd, lsof, strings, grep, etc.) firewall /usr/bin/fw/ * blockall : script to block all inbound TCP (excepting localhost) * flushall : flush all firewall rules * firestarter : quick way to a firewall * firewalk : map a firewall's rulebase * floppyfw : turn a floppy into a firewall * fwlogwatch : monitor firewall logs * iptables 1.2.8 * gtk-iptables : GUI front-end * shorewall 1.4.8-RC1 : iptables based package honeypots /usr/bin/honeypot/ * honeyd 0.7 * labrea : tarpit (slow to a crawl) worms and port scanners * thp : tiny honeypot ids /usr/bin/ids/ * snort 2.1.0: everyone's favorite networks IDS * ACID : snort web frontend * barnyard : fast snort log processor * oinkmaster : keep your snort rules up to date * hogwash : access control based on snort sigs * bro : network IDS * prelude : network and host IDS * WIDZ : wireless IDS, ap and probe monitor * aide : host baseline tool, tripwire-esque * logsnorter : log monitor * swatch : monitor any file, oh like say syslog * sha1sum * md5sum * syslogd network utilities /usr/bin/net-utils/ * LinNeighboorhood : browse SMB networks like windows network neighborhood * argus : network auditor * arpwatch : keep track of the MACs on your wire * cdpr : cisco discovery protocol reporter * cheops : snmp, network discovery and monitor tool * etherape : network monitor and visualization tool * iperf : measure IP performance * ipsc : IP subnet calculator * iptraf : network monitor * mrtg : multi router traffic grapher * mtr : traceroute tool * ntop 2.1.0 : network top, protocol analyzer * rrdtool : round robin database * samba : opensource SMB support * tcptrack : track existing connections password tools /usr/bin/pwd-tools/