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Andrew Zajac has announced the release of Ubuntu Rescue Remix 10.04, an Ubuntu-based live CD/USB that provides a command-line interface environment and includes some of the best free and open source data recovery and forensics tools available: "Version 10.04 'Lucid Lynx' of the very best free/libre open-source data recovery software toolkit based on Ubuntu is out. This release of Ubuntu Rescue Remix features a full command-line environment with up-to-date versions of the most powerful free/libre open-source data recovery software including GNU ddrescue, PhotoRec, the Sleuth Kit and GNU fdisk. Packages new to the Rescue Remix include aoetools, array-info, ext3-grep, gptsync, kpartx, and Scrounge NTFS. This ISO image is compatible with the excellent USB Startup Disk Creator that is included with Ubuntu since 9.04.