⇡ Chakra

Chakra Alpha 5 "Panora" v.4 (1 CD)


Distro linux baru dengan tampilan keren, berbasis Arch Linux. desktop KDE. bisa live dan bisa juga diinstall. Cocok untuk yang sering pakai modem /usb 3g/HSDPA termasuk VPN karena telah ditanam aplikasi management untuk modem. Saat booting ada pilihan apakah akan menggunakan pure desktop dengan driver free, atau campur. Phil Miller has announced that the fifth alpha release of Chakra, an Arch Linux-based distribution and live CD with the latest version of the KDE desktop, is now available for testing: "After lots of testing and rebuilds we are finally there. Chakra Alpha 5 'Panora' left the building and is ready to get a new home on your boxes. We focused our efforts on two aspects. Tribe, our installer, now includes an easy and advanced mode to partition the target, also the installation speed has been much approved and supports lower screen resolutions. The usability of the Chakra live CD, we added support for some important features - print, and configure printers; complete management of optic drives; drop-down Konsole technology with Yakuake; management of dial-up modems and broadband USB 3g/HSDPA. Features: Linux kernel- with LZMA support, KDEmod 4.4.1, X.Org Server

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