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Versi backtrack yang telah dimodif dengan tambahan aplikasi aircrack PTW yang spesial dapat mengcrack WEP lebih cepat dari cara konvensional dalam waktu kurang dari 1 menit. "We were able to extend Klein's attack and optimize it for usage against WEP. Using our version, it is possible to recover a 104 bit WEP key with probability 50% using just 40,000 captured packets. For 60,000 available data packets, the success probability is about 80% and for 85,000 data packets about 95%. Using active techniques like deauth and ARP re-injection, 40,000 packets can be captured in less than one minute under good conditions." -www.cdc.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de aircrack-ptw is a proof of concept tool to be utilised together with the aircrack-ng toolsuite (basically it replaces the aircrack-ng component to speed up WEP cracking).