Sebuah film dokumenter dikemas dalam DVD - HD, berkisah tentang bumi dan lingkungan kita. Film di ambil menggunakan kamera berkualitas High Definition (HD), selain dari helikopter juga dari satelit. Anda ingin tahu bagaimana keadaan bumi kita saat ini? saksikan dalam film dokumenter free berdurasi 1.5 jam ini.
"Home" by Yann-Arthus Bertrand is a visually stunning and thought-provoking documentary about the damage humans have inflicted on the planet Earth. It is a collection of amazing aerial photos and videos from 54 countries all over the world, showcasing the vast beauty as well as the terrible scars that we left our home during the development of our civilization in the past 200,000 years. The impact of homo sapiens - wise humans - is nearing the critical point when it cannot be reversed anymore. "Home" shows us what we've done and what we stand to lose.
The film was shot from a helicopter using an HD camera. It took 217 days of shooting and 488 hours of footage to create the documentary. The movie is the first one of its kind to be released simultaneously to five continents across the world in different formats: DVD, television, and YouTube. It broke the world record for the biggest film release of all time as it opened in 181 countries on June 5, 2009. PPR, a multinational company based in France, sponsored "Home".