⇡ linuX-gamers

linuX-gamers Live 0.9.5 (1 CD)


Distro Marko Kaiser has announced the release of linuX-gamers Live 0.9.5, a set of Arch-based live media (on CD, DVD and USB drives) featuring a variety of popular 3D games: "We are proud to announce a new version of our live DVD at LinuxTag 2009 in Berlin. We now have different versions of our distribution: 'Lite ISO' - a small CD image containing a limited selection of games suitable for children and older computers; 'Lite USB' - the same selection of games as 'Lite ISO' but for USB keys; 'Big ISO' - a big DVD image (4.7 GB) containing the full selection of games for adults and more recent computers; 'Big USB' - contains full selection of fames, but is meant for USB sticks with the capacity of at least 5 GB capacity.

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