blackPanther OS 9.1
Distro keren dari Hungaria. Berbasis Mandriva dengan KDE terbaru 4.2 dan oxygen office 3.1 (open office yang udah dipercanggih). Mantap abiz. Tampilan dan speed fast! Cocok buat kantoran, desktop rumahan, media player komplit, maen game dan jalan program win juga ok
blackPanther OS is a Hungarian desktop Linux distribution with RPM package management. The just released version 9.1 is a major update, featuring many new technologies, Linux kernel, KDE 4.2.0 and OxygenOffice 3.1. Besides the live CD, the distribution provides a total of eight software repositories containing over 4,800 extra packages, including a good selection of games and a variety of kernel drivers. There is also a seeker repository with over 2,000 untested packages. Although blackPanther OS is a free distribution, the developers have included some blackPanther ads and sponsored links into the distribution in order to earn revenue - these can be removed by users

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Jual blackPanther OS 9.1 ★★★★★ beli di Toko Baliwae Linux, Shop Baliwae Linux di Denpasar Bali