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Ingin membuat jaringan komputer dengan sistem diskless (tanpa harddisk), boot lewat network? Gunakan distro linux ini. Mendukung penggunaan distro debian, ubuntu, mandriva, redhat, fedora, centos, suse, dst..
Diskless Remote Boot in Linux (DRBL) provides a diskless or systemless environment for client machines. DRBL Live Standard works on Debian, Ubuntu, Mandriva, Red Hat, Fedora, CentOS and SuSE. DRBL uses distributed hardware resources and makes it possible for clients to fully access local hardware. It also includes Clonezilla, a partitioning and disk cloning utility similar to Symantec Ghost. The purpose of DRBL live is to let you run a machine as DRBL server without installation. It's based on Debian Live. DRBL live includes all the DRBL functions, plus Clonezilla. Therefore it can provide PXEBoot Clonezilla, which can be used to do massively clone in a computer classrom or similar environment. Multicast clone is also supported. Generally speaking, DRBL live is server edition, while Clonezilla live is personal edition. The differece between DRBL live and Clonezilla live is: DRBL live provides DRBL functions (DHCP, TFTP, NFS, NIS services), so client can boot via PXE and be cloned. Since DRBL live includes all the Clonezilla programs, it can be used as an alternative of Clonezilla live.