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Linux Game: Secret Maryo Chronicles 1.8 + Tutorial (1 CD)


Game linux, open source dengan model permainan mirip seperti super mario bross di nintendo. Game berbasis SDL, grafis halus dan ciamik. Dalam cd ini selain file source dan musik tambahan juga disertakan panduan untuk instalasinya di linux dalam bahasa indonesia. Game ini selain bisa dimainkan lewat keyboard, juga bisa menggunakan joystik / gamepad seperti gamepad modif PS.

Secret Maryo Chronicles is an Open Source two-dimensional platform game with a style designed similar to classic sidescroller games. SMC uses the platform independent library SDL and the OpenGL accelerated Graphics Renderer for the best possible graphics quality.

In-Game Editor Activated with the F8 key in the game. You can insert any graphic file as a background or sprite in the game. All graphics like hedges and ground sprites are included. You can insert enemies, change the player start position, insert special objects like a powerup box, and create half-massive Sprites which the Player can jump through, but can not fall through. For a more detailed explanation see the Editor tutorial. Version Additional Feature 0.98.1 - Global level effects. 0.99.2 - Camera limits and multiple Background Images. 0.99.4 - Falling Platforms and Invisible/Empty Boxes. 0.99.5 - Ghost Blocks. 0.99.7 - Massive Moving Platforms.

1.0 - Text Boxes and Warp entries. 1.2 - Fixed horizontal level scrolling and random powerup bonus box. 1.5 - Particle Emitter and Ambient Sounds. Levels Many Levels Each level ends with a Gate or Pipe, press up to enter the next level or the direction key into the pipe. Maryo Stages Multiple Maryo Stages Includes Small, Normal, Fire, Snow, Star and Ghost Maryo. Advance to the next stage by getting Mushrooms, Fireplants and Stars but beware the Poison Mushroom. The powerup items can be obtained by jumping into question mark boxes. Overworld Multiple Overworlds

Get an aerial perspective between levels, just like the World Map in Super Mario World. Music Great Sound and Music High quality Ogg music and sound for a great game feeling. Save and Load Save and Load Save anytime from the game menu. Then load whenever you want. Lives Get Extra Lives By getting 100 coins or finding the Green Mushrooms and secret Moons. { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "http://schema.org/Product", "name": "Linux Game: Secret Maryo Chronicles 1.8 + Tutorial (1 CD) Produk Terbaru 2020", "description": "Game linux, open source dengan model permainan mirip seperti super mario bross di nintendo. Game berbasis SDL, grafis halus dan ciamik. Dalam cd ini selain file source dan musik tambahan juga disertakan panduan untuk instalasinya di linux dalam bahasa indonesia. Game ini selain bisa dimainkan lewat keyboard, juga bisa menggunakan joystik / gamepad seperti gamepad modif PS. Secret Maryo Chronicles is an Open Source two-dimensional platform game with a style designed similar to classic sidescroller games. SMC uses the platform independent library SDL and the OpenGL accelerated Graphics Renderer for the best possible graphics quality. In-Game Editor Activated with the F8 key in the game. You can insert any graphic file as a background or sprite in the game. All graphics like hedges and ground sprites are included. You can insert enemies, change the player start position, insert special objects like a powerup box, and create half-massive Sprites which the Player can jump through, but can not fall through. For a more detailed explanation see the Editor tutorial. Version Additional Feature 0.98.1 - Global level effects. 0.99.2 - Camera limits and multiple Background Images. 0.99.4 - Falling Platforms and Invisible/Empty Boxes. 0.99.5 - Ghost Blocks. 0.99.7 - Massive Moving Platforms. 1.0 - Text Boxes and Warp entries. 1.2 - Fixed horizontal level scrolling and random powerup bonus box. 1.5 - Particle Emitter and Ambient Sounds. Levels Many Levels Each level ends with a Gate or Pipe, press up to enter the next level or the direction key into the pipe. Maryo Stages Multiple Maryo Stages Includes Small, Normal, Fire, Snow, Star and Ghost Maryo. Advance to the next stage by getting Mushrooms, Fireplants and Stars but beware the Poison Mushroom. The powerup items can be obtained by jumping into question mark boxes. Overworld Multiple Overworlds Get an aerial perspective between levels, just like the World Map in Super Mario World. Music Great Sound and Music High quality Ogg music and sound for a great game feeling. Save and Load Save and Load Save anytime from the game menu. Then load whenever you want. Lives Get Extra Lives By getting 100 coins or finding the Green Mushrooms and secret Moons.", "image": "https://baliwae.com/images/logo-smc.jpg", "url": "https://toko.baliwae.com/product_info.php?products_id=1557", "offers": { "url": "https://toko.baliwae.com/product_info.php?products_id=1557", "@type": "http://schema.org/Offer", "availability": "http://schema.org/InStock", "priceCurrency": "IDR", "price": 5000 }, "aggregateRating": { "@type": "http://schema.org/AggregateRating", "worstRating": 1, "bestRating": 5, "ratingValue": 5, "reviewCount": 178 }, "review": { "@type": "http://schema.org/Review", "author": "Yusuf", "name": "Linux Game: Secret Maryo Chronicles 1.8 + Tutorial (1 CD)", "reviewBody": "Sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Produk berjalan sempurna", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5"} }, "interactionStatistic": { "@type": "InteractionCounter", "interactionType": { "@type": "http://schema.org/WatchAction" }, "userInteractionCount":4750 } }

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Jual Linux Game: Secret Maryo Chronicles 1.8 + Tutorial (1 CD) ★★★★★ beli di Toko Baliwae Linux, Shop Baliwae Linux di Denpasar Bali