⇡ Programming

Gambas 2.8.1 + Dependency for Mandriva 2008 (1 CD)


IDE programming yang mirip banget dengan visual basic IDE. Sintak sintaknya mirip visual basic. Bagi yang sudah familier dengan visual basic rasanya tidak akan sulit untuk bermigrasi ke Gambas :)

Gambas 2.8.1 merupakan versi terbaru dari Gambas, dalam cd ini disertakan juga tutorial petunjuk instalasi pada distro Mandriva 2008.

19 Aug 2008 - Release of Gambas 2.8.1 Three important fixes in this release: * Gambas object files are now kind with rmplint. * The gb.qt menu shortcut management has been fixed. * The gb.gtk system tray icons management has been fixed. 15 Aug 2008 - Release of Gambas 2.8 Some important features and many bug fixes in this release: * Gambas now compiles correctly with gcc 4.3. * When displaying a method signature, the current argument is underlined. * Spanish, French and Russian translations were updated. * IDE shortcuts of different menus should not interfere anymore. * The GTK+ component can deal with font underline and strikeout in many places. * The QT component tray icons are now visible inside Gnome or XFCE.

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Jual Gambas 2.8.1 + Dependency for Mandriva 2008 (1 CD) ★★★★★ beli di Toko Baliwae Linux, Shop Baliwae Linux di Denpasar Bali