⇡ EasyHotspot

EasyHotspot Distro 0.1 (1 CD)

5,000 Rp.2,500

distro buatan lokal, untuk penggunaan pada hotspot cafe.. keren euy!

EasyHotspot is an alternative solution for hotspot billing system. Its contain some particular open source software that bundled into a single package. We DO NOT try to make a replacement to similar existing open source projects. Our aim is delivering a system that simple, easy to install, use and modify.

EasyHotspot Distro

This is a Xubuntu based distribution that ready to serving your hotspot. This system is preconfigured so you can easyly start your hotspot. But theres something to remember, you should change several default password. Such as : MySQL root/easyhotspot user password, FreeRadius shared secret, ChilliSpot secret, Admin/Cashier password.

Admin Login : username : admin password : admin123 Cashier Login : username : vcool password : vcool123

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Lokasi Toko Kami ⇢
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Jual EasyHotspot Distro 0.1 (1 CD) ★★★★★ beli di Toko Baliwae Linux, Shop Baliwae Linux di Denpasar Bali