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Kaos Tux Pinguin (Putih)

55,000 Rp.49,000 (maaf kosong)

Siapa sih yang ga kenal ama si penguin imut karya Oom Larry Ewing? Ya itulah logo official linux. Namanya Tux.

Tux is the official mascot of the GNU/Linux operating system. Tux, created by Larry Ewing in 1996, is a chubby penguin that looks content and satisfied. The concept of the Linux mascot being a penguin came from Linus Torvalds, the creator of the Linux kernel.

DIJAMIN! kalo situ pake kaos ini trus jalan jalan pas lagi ada acara oprek kernel ato pameran / eksibisi komputer pasti deh banyak yang ngeliatin. Cewe cewe pasti pada tanya, "mas - mba - belinya dimana sih?". Jangan lupa yah jawabannya di kaosgeek.baliwae! websitenya ada di http://toko.baliwae.com :D

Bahan: Super Cotton PUTIH (100%)

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Lokasi Toko Kami ⇢
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Jual Kaos Tux Pinguin (Putih) ★★★★★ beli di Toko Baliwae Linux, Shop Baliwae Linux di Denpasar Bali