⇡ SuperX

SuperX v1.0 Galileo i386 (1 DVD)

Rp.20,000 (maaf kosong)

SuperX is a desktop-oriented computer operating system based on Ubuntu and Debian GNU/Linux, using the KDE desktop environment. It was originally developed in India by a teenager who built it using free and open-source software. SuperX is highly modular, flexible and cloud-centric, with a desktop user interface especially designed with Linux beginners in mind.

Cara Beli ⇢
Lokasi Toko Kami ⇢
copywrong all rights reversed - © 2005-2030
no reg, no bs
Jual SuperX v1.0 Galileo i386 (1 DVD) ★★★★★ beli di Toko Baliwae Linux, Shop Baliwae Linux di Denpasar Bali